Balletto Civile
A nomadic group by definition, animated by a strong ethical tension, Balletto Civile was founded in 2003 by Michela Lucenti. The creative approach is a research based on movement that emerges from the profound scenic relationship between the artists. It works on a total language where theatre, dance and original song interact naturally.
direction and choreography: Michela Lucenti
dramaturgy: Balletto Civile
created and performed by: Attilio Caffarena, Maurizio Camilli, Loris De Luna, Maurizio Lucenti, Michela Lucenti, Alessandro Pallecchi, Matteo Principi, Emanuela Serra, Giulia Spattini
assistant to creation: Ambra Chiarello
sound design: Guido Affini
lighting: Stefano Mazzanti
lighting assistant: Chiara Calfa
sets and costumes: Alessandro Ratti/Balletto Civile
a production: Balletto Civile - Estate Teatrale Veronese / Municipality of Verona in collaboration with Teatro degli Impavidi (Sarzana) Dialoghi/Residenze delle Arti Performative Villa Manin Codroipo
with the support of: MIC / Ministry of Culture
Associazione Spellbound ETS
Via dei Prati Fiscali 215, Roma | P.Iva 06474941009 | CF 97134410584 | PEC | Transparency