Viro is a monster, a creature cut in two who, unaware of the schism, amplifies by doubling himself, his heroically self-satisfied and depressed nature. A modern wounded centaur, simultaneously virile and viral because he is splendidly banal; handsome, clean-shaven and well-combed, bipolarly oriented, he drags his two parts into a synergistic, physically ungrammatical continuity. With vague movement, elegantly chipper, he displays good social manners and in the torment of a pressing sound rhythm, he acts out his gestural tics without ever breaking down the gunmetal grey of his hair. With his thoughts, dishevelled as they are, he challenges the performers and their masks in the continuous cycle of embodying themselves in new forms, through the destiny of a merciless score, which can only be accessed and demanded in a state of creative apnea, the only pass towards the new state of twin and lobotomised consciousness. Blasphemous offertory of an overturned eucharist of flesh that becomes male ostension without breath and spirit, inessential and empty. (Michele Abbondanza)