hosted on 20th of January at the Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo with Danze Americane
- The title of our season is “Vertigine”. What is vertiginous to you?
The word “VERTIGO” reminds me of the simulation we do in the mind of a possible impending fall, that feeling of uncertainty between wanting to fall or not.
2) Which codes does your body retain from “American dances” that is, from the practices and imagery of the choreographers you are inspired by, and which do you reinvent?
I think my body naturally retains the more abstract aspects of practices, that is, techniques, to achieve one type of movement rather than another, beyond the possible original intentions or purposes of the American choreographers I refer to. I look for the functionalities of the steps and the different physical approach that each movement requires. And it is within this scenario that I look for the articulations that allow me to take something apart and put it back together again and again in a different way, or use something else as a springboard for the search for new combinations, new movements, even if the results were to stray very far from the original techniques. Indeed, I like to think that if some artists of the past sowed dance techniques all over the world, that sowing generates the same fruit indefinitely, but also something completely unexpected, alien.
3) What power do dance practices have to change the imaginary and/or act the world?
I don’t think of dance practice as a function for something else. On the contrary, it excites me the more distant I perceive it, when its trajectory seems not to contemplate us at all.