There are cracks in the languages speaking of Africa and Europe, of bodies-territories and oppressing borders. One tries to share dreams and desires. And a sense of alienation. One would like to be free from one’s ghosts. On the land, in the sea, among other creatures, a new community emerges from its state of invisibility. And embarks on a journey that is sometimes a discourse, sometimes a struggle. On this journey, the edges of the portraits of individuals dissolve themselves. A larger organism that insinuates itself between different landscapes emerges. Boundaries blur from the one to the many while the environment lets itself be crossed, torn apart and acidified. The dialogue between visual movement and sound adapts and rearranges itself at each step, as after an earthquake, when you have to rebuild shattered certainties. With the words if – there – is – no – sun we evoke those who have gone before us and who have lighted other suns, imagining possible new humanity.
«Let us reach that place in the middle of our dreams, where all the lights are ours. Let our voices be our food. May our thoughts be our muscl. Let us trudge through our sea».*
* excerpts translated and reinterpreted, from Ladan Osman – Refusing Eurydice (Exiles of Eden-Coffee House Press 2019)